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《英魂之刃》CPL线下总决赛落幕 WE逆袭夺冠

The heroes of CPL offline finals end WE counter attack

2016-03-28 18:45:08来源: 07073游戏网

日前,《英魂之刃》春季嘉年华暨2016年首届CPL线下总决赛在上海举行,本次赛事引发了高度关注,全年1500万人民币的奖金池吸引了众多知名战队和海量玩家的眼球。巅峰对决中,WE技高一筹,3:2战胜US,获得冠军,并赢取50万奖金。US和EST分获二三名。 本次赛事由腾讯游戏和网龙联合...

A few days ago, the heroes of the spring carnival and first CPL offline finals held in Shanghai in 2016, the event caused the high attention, the year 15 million yuan bonus pool attracted numerous well-known clan and mass player's eye. Match-ups, WE exceeds, 3-2 win over US, winning the championship, and win a $500000 prize. Two or three of US and EST respectively. The event jointly by tencent games and net dragon...