新关注 > 信息聚合 > 刚摘牌1个月 游动就被电魂收购了80%股权

刚摘牌1个月 游动就被电魂收购了80%股权

Just swim delisted from 1 month by electric acquired a 80% stake in my soul

2019-01-30 20:27:42来源: 游戏茶馆


Today (30) days after the electric network's announcement of soul and quasi swimming in cash acquisition of xiamen network technology co., LTD. 80% stake, deal price 290 million yuan. This part of the cash from changes to raise funds for the IPO. Announcement shows that electricity soul network planning to construct used in online game operation platform of 197 million yuan, and 93.17 million yuan for the new online game development, used to buy swim network of the company. Electricity soul network said, change the IPO fundraising purposes has been voted by the board of directors. Electricity soul network changes after the IPO to raise capital USES electricity the soul said, is a relatively big hands swim swim network developers,