新关注 > 信息聚合 > 传携程1500万美元增持途牛3%股份 京东或入局

传携程1500万美元增持途牛3%股份 京东或入局

Transfer $15000000 holdings of 3% shares that carry Cheng Road ox Jingdong or incoming

2014-12-12 11:30:48来源: 参考消息

查看最新行情 新浪科技讯 12月12日消息,携程曾于10日晚间对外公布与途牛签署战略合作协议,加深了双方合作范围,对此有知情人士透露,达成这一协议的一个重要原因是,携程已经斥资1500万美元增持途牛3%股份。目前,携程官方未予回应。 从5月份开始,携程在酒店等资源上与途牛展开合作。而...

to view the latest market news dispatch of sina science and technology in December 12th, carry Cheng to was announced on the evening of 10 signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the road ox, deepen mutual cooperation scope, have informed sources, one of the important reasons that an agreement is, Ctrip has spent $15000000 to holdings of 3% shares of road ox. At present, Ctrip is not the official response. Begin from May, carry Cheng to cooperate with road ox in the hotel and other resources on the. While...

标签: 京东