新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016全球游戏市场报告--巴西篇


Global gaming market report 2016 - Brazil

2017-02-15 15:39:58来源: DoNews

本文由Avazu Holding原创并授权发布巴西人口约2.1亿,由于人口优势等近年来互联网发展突飞猛进,并已经占据世界前列,巴西互联网普及率为57.6%,是全球重度安卓手机市场,市场份额高达92%,同时巴西也是全球iPhone最贵的国家,在巴西iOS市场占有率也不敌Windows市场,低于其约1%市场份额。据估计,未来巴西Android的渗透率将会持续增长, iOS市场渗透率会越来越低。巴西的游戏市场从山寨和盗版而来,由于高税收和盗版等问题,到20年前才开始进口游戏,现今游戏产业在巴西几乎无处不在,巴西有近一半人口会经常玩游戏,由于售价低等因素,智能手机和平板等移动设备(几乎都为Androi...

This article by Avazu Holding original and authorize release Brazil's population of about 210 million, as the population advantage, such as the Internet development by leaps and bounds in recent years, and is now the world's highest, Internet penetration rate is 57.6%, Brazil is the world's major android mobile phone market, market share is as high as 92%, but Brazil is the iPhone's most expensive countries in the world, the iOS market share in Brazil also lost Windows market, below about 1% market share. It is estimated that the future of Brazil will continue to grow, the permeability of the Android iOS market penetration will be more and more low. Brazil from counterfeit and pirated game market, because the problems such as high taxes and piracy, to 20 years ago began to import the game, the game industry today almost everywhere in Brazil, Brazil has nearly half the population would often play games, due to the low price of factors, such as smart phones and tablet almost all mobile devices (for Androi...

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