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Don't want to be forgotten, weibo is the next stop

2018-06-20 20:07:00来源: 品途网

2017年上旬开始,“抖音”这个以风卷残云的架势横扫整个互联网。一款现象的产品就此横空出世,其在社交媒体领域的流量吸取能力让腾讯这个中国流量之王也坐立不安。 在此背景下,张一鸣于发了条“celebrate small success”的朋友圈,配图是今日头条旗下短视频App抖音在App Store下载量排名和抖音Logo,称抖音Tiktok Q1苹果商店下载全球第一。张一鸣在自己这条朋友圈下留言称,“微信的借口封杀 微视的抄袭搬运 挡不住抖音的步伐”。 一向一低调和儒雅著称的马化腾有些锋芒的回复张一鸣称,“可以理解为诽谤”。...

Beginning in early 2017, the "trill" swept aside posture on the Internet. A phenomenon of the product was born, in the field of social media for traffic absorbing ability to the king of tencent, the Chinese traffic is on pins and needles. Under this background, the article yi-ming zhang to send the "celebrate  Small  Success "circle of friends, pictures of today's headlines, short video App trill in App  Store downloads ranking and trill Logo, called trill Tiktok  Q1 download the world's first apple store. Yi-ming zhang in the circle of friends under the message says, "excuse WeChat block & have spent The copy of the micro view handling & have spent Stop the pace of the trill ". Always low harmonic is famous for its elegant ma some sharpness reply yi-ming zhang said, "can be understood as a libel. ...