新关注 > 信息聚合 > 再不预约就没机会了 《梦幻诛仙》手游版周四开测

再不预约就没机会了 《梦幻诛仙》手游版周四开测

Haven't had the opportunity to don't make an appointment to the mobile game edition of the dream, open test on Thursday

2016-01-11 11:55:43来源: 任玩堂

《梦幻诛仙》正版授权手游将于1月14日开启首次测试,预约报名即将截止。“首席大弟子召回”活动正在进行中,有兴趣的玩家记得要留意了。 作为《梦幻诛仙》端游的特色,端游宠物、装备启灵、御剑飞行、翅膀、妖兽突袭、帮战等经典元素都继承到手游版,并根据手游特点进行了调优,让玩家不再感到冗长枯燥,...

"Dream," the original authorized mobile game will open the first test on January 14, an appointment is opening soon. "Chief disciples recall" activity is in progress, remember to keep an eye on the interested players. As "dream," the characteristic, the pet, equipment qi ling, royal sword flight, wings, monster beast raids, to help fight the classic element such as inheritance both version, and tuning based on the characteristics of mobile game, let players no longer feel tedious and boring...

标签: 手游 诛仙