新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谁与争锋?Touch未出Valve又推新款VR控制器


Who and die? Pending the Valve and push the new VR Touch controller

2016-10-14 00:33:28来源: 17173

今天的主题演讲中,Valve首次展示新控制器的图片,现场还摆出了一个原型产品,它可以实现更逼真的抓取感。 VR游戏下载、新游推荐、福利,尽在17173VR! 仔细看看图片中最右边的原型机,貌似是个特别小的玩意儿,包住手背。你完全可以张开手,轻松拖放虚拟对象,就像在现实中一样。该控制...

Today the theme of the speech, steam images of the new controller for the first time, the scene also posing as a prototype, it can realize more vivid sense of grab. VR game downloads, XinYou recommended, welfare, in 17173 VR! Take a closer look at the picture a prototype of the right, seemed like a very small thing, around the back of hand. You can open your hand, easily drag and drop the virtual object, just like in real life. The control...

标签: VR