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口袋妖怪漆黑的魅影5.0三周目攻略10 梦幻岛

Pokemon black phantom 5 three week three weeks 10 Fantasy Island Raiders

2015-04-20 10:56:22来源: 4399

三周目的剧情也已经接近尾声,这次我们需要去捕捉传说中的圣兽梦幻,下面就和4399波比一起来看看口袋妖怪漆黑的魅影三周目攻略吧~ 加入口袋妖怪交流群148246663,提问或是分享自己的口袋心得吧! 1、得到所有银色徽章后在对战开拓区上方(对战塔向左走)的房子里找到亚希达,对话得到许愿...

plot is nearing completion, this time we need to capture the legend of the sacred dream, here and have a look 4399 Bobbi a Pokemon black three weeks. The Raiders ~ add Pokemon communication group 148246663, questions or share his experience! 1, all silver badge in battle (battle tower development zone above left) found in Ya Xida's house, have a conversation...