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COSER benefits! "Watch pioneer" hero cos set tour map

2015-06-02 12:28:56来源: 17173

【17173整理报道】 暴雪作为一家久负盛名的游戏公司,其游戏艺术让全世界的暴雪粉丝们都为之着迷,并且也鼓励世界各地玩家艺术的发挥。无论是英雄?恶魔?NPC?凡人角色?甚至是神,只要你发挥想象,将自己的创意融入其中就能Cosplay这其中的一切角色人物。 从魔兽、星际再到暗黑,如...

[17173 reports finishing] Blizzard as a prestigious game company. The game art let Blizzard fans all over the world are fascinated, and encouraged players around the world art play. Whether the hero? Demon? NPC? Mortal role? Even God, as long as you imagine, and will be their own creative integration into which all the characters Cosplay of which. From Warcraft, StarCraft to Diablo, such as...

标签: 守望先锋