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奢侈品零售市场低迷 尼曼百货停止IPO计划

Luxury retail market downturn nyman department stop IPO plans

2016-06-22 16:25:36来源: 亿邦动力网

Neiman Marcus尼曼是美国以经营奢侈品为主的连锁高端百货商店,是当今世界最高档、最独特时尚商品的零售商,已有100多年的发展历史。受到奢侈品低迷的零售市场以及不景气的旅游业影响,美国奢侈品百货公司NeimanMarcus集团正经历着极其艰苦的时期,该公司正努力压缩经营成本,包括裁员和降薪,在最近几个季度,集团将更注重退款订单、提高供应商的库存水平以及举行更多的打折促销活动。去年Neiman Marcus集团申请IPO失败,据知情人士透露,集团目前不会再次启动IPO。有NeimanMarcus集团股东透露,集团去年八月已经开始寻求买家,当时集团也在为IPO筹备,由于股市环境恶劣,集团业...

Neiman Marcus nyman is the United States is given priority to with business luxury chain of high-end department stores, is the world's most high-end, the most unique fashion goods retailer, has 100 years of history. Under the tourism impacts of luxury retail market downturn and depression, the U.S. luxury department stores NeimanMarcus group is experiencing an extremely hard period, the company is trying to compression operating costs, including layoffs and pay cuts, in recent quarters, the group will pay more attention to refund orders, improve the level of the supplier's inventory, and further discount promotions. Neiman Marcus group apply for IPO failed last year, according to people familiar with the matter, the group has won't restart the IPO. A NeimanMarcus group shareholders, according to the group in August last year has begun to seek buyers, the group also for IPO, the group industry because of the bad market environment...