新关注 > 信息聚合 > 这十个行业,将被共享经济所渗透


The ten industries will be shared economic infiltrated by the rise of

2015-07-07 11:08:39来源: DoNews


Uber and airbnb two giant Unicorn let "sharing abnormal hot economy" one word, as a shared economy the most representative of the two companies, Uber and airbnb respectively taxi industry and the hotel industry bring life changing leather, also let people see the sharing economy has great potential in the future. Sharing economy as a new economic model does not only play a role in the taxi industry and hotel industry, according to the characteristics of people's spare time and space, it can almost penetrated into various industries. From drops shit talking a moment "drops shit" was used as a joke in the industry talked about, although this is a joke, but in fact it and Uber and airbnb as the essence of shared economic. The modern family each have a toilet, but the toilet is not used in high-frequency products, it has a large part of the non idle time, in this period of time to needed here using the toilet and can't find public toilets.

标签: 共享经济