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Ali cloud electricity morning post 】 【 chief scientist ZhangWenSong announced the departure

2016-05-25 07:30:03来源: 亿邦动力网

阿里云首席科学家章文嵩宣布离职 或将加盟滴滴昨日,阿里云副总裁、首席科学家、淘宝核心软件研发负责人、LVS创始人章文嵩宣布从阿里云离职。其本人在微博上证实了这一消息。资料显示,章文嵩是技术专家,也是LVS开源软件创始人,曾经是TelTel公司的首席科学家,ChinaCluster的共同创办人。有传闻称,从阿里离职后,章文嵩或加盟滴滴出行。章燎原辞去三只松鼠CEO 只为当好“洗脑师”昨日,在三只松鼠周会上,三只松鼠创始人章燎原宣布对内卸任CEO一职,同时12个部门的负责人任职新CEO兼创始人助理。章燎原给自己的身份重新定位:首席洗脑师兼创始人。对于此次“卸任”,12个部门CEO+助理正式上线一事...

Ali cloud chief scientist ZhangWenSong announced departure or will join drops yesterday, ali cloud vice President, chief scientist, taobao core software research and development head, founder of the LVS ZhangWenSong announced from ali cloud. He confirmed the news on weibo. Data shows, ZhangWenSong is technical experts, as well as the LVS, founder of the open source software was TelTel company's chief scientist, co-founder of ChinaCluster. There are rumours that, after the departure from ali, ZhangWenSong joining drops or travel. Chapter three squirrel CEO just to be a good start a prairie fire as "brainwashing" yesterday, a squirrel in three weeks, chapter three squirrel founder set the prairie ablaze announced internally the outgoing chief executive, with 12 departments, the head of the office at the same time the new assistant to CEO and founder. Start a prairie fire to his own identity to reposition: chapter's chief brainwashed and founder. For the "office", assistant to CEO + 12 department launched the...

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