新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《流浪地球》中的黑科技,哪些能成为现实?


Which of the black technology in "wandering the Earth" can become a reality?

2019-02-12 11:22:31来源: IT之家


This spring festival file belongs to "wandering the earth". In addition to friends Circle, Weibo and other platforms of the brush screen hot discussion, the release of a week of more than 2.2 billion yuan box office is the best business card. Before the film was released, many people didn't anticipate it would have such a box office result. Even the film's original author, film producer Liu Cixin, said in a recent media interview that the previous sci-fi film box office and Word of mouth were unsuccessful, this time far exceeding his expectations. The sun is going to have an accident, moving with the earth, and that's the movie's grand backdrop: The Earth's wandering program. In the film, "Equator Steering Technology", "Universal nuclear fusion engine" and other black technology is also a grand scene, the brain hole wide open. But these are still too burning for the average audience, we don't write film reviews today to talk about the high technology in the movie that is closer to our real life. AI change face Liuqi stole Grandpa's work permit, and find a false certificate to Sister also got a false document, there are two ...