新关注 > 信息聚合 > 股市大跌一片绿游戏股票也是跌


Stock market crash a piece of green game shares also fell the

2015-06-27 12:51:04来源: 17173

文章 摘要 游戏股市也是大跌 今日股市一收盘,不知道又有多少人走上天台这条不归路。 今天的股市看上去就是这样 绿油油的充满生命力! 奈何游戏里的股市也是生命力旺盛

Abstract game stock market also fell today, the stock market closing, do not know how many people walk on the roof of this road of no return. Today the stock market looks like green full of vitality! But the game in the stock market is full of vitality

标签: 游戏