新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游族携Bigpoint亮相德国科隆展 共推《女神联盟2》

游族携Bigpoint亮相德国科隆展 共推《女神联盟2》

Swimming race with Bigpoint at cologne, Germany exhibition were pushed "goddess alliance 2"

2016-08-18 22:08:04来源: 265G


On August 18, news, known as the "European E3," said the German cologne game show (English name: Gamescom), yesterday officially kicked off in cologne, Germany, the exhibition will last until 21. As one of the top game exhibition, the cologne fair although affected by the local security situation, but including international companies such as SONY, Microsoft, EA, blizzard was absent, Chinese companies, including netease, perfect, swimming and so on well-known game...