新关注 > 信息聚合 > 交通部发布新规:共享单车押金应当日退还


The ministry of communications issued new rules: sharing bike deposit shall be returned

2019-03-19 16:47:36来源: IT之家

IT之家3月19日消息 今日,交通运输部发布《交通运输新业态用户资金管理办法(试行)》,并向社会征集意见。新规管理范围包括从事交通运输服务的经营活动,包括网络预约出租汽车、汽车分时租赁和互联网租赁自行车等。新规明确,运营企业原则上不收取用户押金,确有必要收取的,应当基于协议,提供运营企业专用存款账户和用户个人银行结算账户两种资金存管方式,供用户选择。用户押金归用户所有,运营企业不得挪用。同时,运营企业承担保障依规存入其专用存款账户用户资金安全的主体责任。押金金额方面,新规明确,汽车分时租赁的单份押金金额不得超过运营企业投入运营车辆平均单车成本价格的2%;互联网租赁自行车的单份押金金额...

IT's home on March 19 news & have spent Today, the ministry of transport, issued the new transportation forms users money management measure (trial) ", and ask for ideas to the society. New rules on the management scope includes to be engaged in the operation of the transportation services including network taxi booking, car rental and Internet rental bike. New rules clear, the operating enterprise does not charge the user, the deposit charge if really necessary, should be based on agreement, provide operational enterprise special deposit accounts and user personal bank settlement account two types of capital depository, for the user to choose from. User deposit belongs to the users, operating enterprises shall be allowed to misappropriate. At the same time, the operating companies to undertake security funds deposited in the special deposit account users according to regulation the body of the security responsibility. The deposit amount, new rules clear, car rental time-sharing of single copy of the deposit amount shall not exceed the operating enterprise operational vehicles average bike cost 2% of the price; The Internet lease a single copy of the deposit amount of bicycle...