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《无间狱》高清宣传片惊现户外 顶级大作呼之欲出

"No prison" HD Promo Jingxian outdoor top big troops

2015-03-10 11:49:38来源: 4399

近日小编经过某百脑汇的时候,无意间发现外面大屏幕播放无间狱的视频广告。仅仅是十几秒的广告,却将游戏的画面精致画风暗黑写实,打斗场景绚丽热血表现了出来,看来这款游戏必定是要引起江湖上一片追捧。 在此之前,媒体曾曝光了无间狱利用AR增强技术实现全景立体对战”的事件,引发了关于“是否能以AR...

recently small make up after a certain time Bainaohui, inadvertently found outside the big screen no prison video advertising. Just ten seconds of advertising, but the exquisite picture of the game Diablo realistic style, the fight scenes brilliant blood shown, it seems the game is bound to cause the river to a pursued. Prior to this, the media has exposed the infernal prison by AR enhancement technology to implement event panoramic stereo war ", triggered a" to AR...