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Eat chicken girl appeared CP22

2018-05-29 00:00:00来源: 人民网

“介绍一下这是我队友”这张曾被各大营销号和玩家疯转的图片,相信很多玩绝地求生的玩家都看到过这张图。 图中这位少女身着二级甲三级包,手里捧着一只盒子,憋着小嘴一脸委屈的模样煞是可爱,戳中了很多路人的心。小编在CP22的现场也幸运地捕捉到了这位吃鸡少女,身着常服的她更像是一个邻家小妹妹一般,清新可爱,据了解,这位少女叫做咪咔,咪咔本人是一个B站主播,B站ID为咪咔将军,从福建不远万里赶来魔都参加这届CP的,聊天攀谈的过程中妹子全程表现得十分拘谨怕生,羞红的面颊让小编的心跳都瞬间提速。问到当初怎么会想到拍摄吃鸡少女那组照片的时候,咪咔表示自己平时也是一位绝地求生的忠实玩家,同时也热爱ACG文...

To introduce "this is my teammates," this has been the camp XiaoHao and players crazy pictures, believe many players playing desperately to have seen this picture. Figure of the girl wearing the secondary level 3 packages, hands holding a box, suppress the small mouth looked like a face of injustice it cute and stamp in the heart of many people. Small make up in CP22 scene also lucky enough to capture the chicken young girl, dressed in suits, she is more like a neighbour sister, pure and fresh and lovely, as we have learned, the girl called the mi MAO, MAO himself was a B standing anchor, B station ID for making general, from fujian traveled long distances to attend this session of CP, the process of chat talk to sister behaved very stiff timid around strangers, blush cheeks let small make up the heartbeat of instantaneous speed. Asked why you think of eating chicken girl group photographs, mi MAO said he was also a loyal players desperately at ordinary times, at the same time also love ACG culture...