新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谷歌施密特收购德劭基金20%股权


Google Schmidt acquisition of 20% stake in the fund

2015-04-24 17:20:28来源: 福布斯中文网

谷歌的亿万富豪董事长埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)已经收购了由亿万富豪大卫·肖(David Shaw)创立的大型量化对冲基金公司——德劭基金(DE Shaw)20%的股权。 施密特的家族办公室Hillspire LLC买下了之前由雷曼兄弟公司(Lehman Brother...

Google billionaire chairman Eric - Schmidt (Eric Schmidt) has acquired by billionaire David Shaw (David Shaw) founded the Tremont Group Holdings Inc -- large quantization de Shaw (DE Shaw) 20% of the shares. The Schmidt family office Hillspire LLC bought before the Lehman brothers (Lehman Brother...

标签: 谷歌