新关注 > 信息聚合 > 魅蓝E2要出变形金刚定制版,《变五》中会露面?


Spirit's blue E2 to transformers customised version, "five," will show up?

2017-04-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

昨天下午,魅蓝品牌的2017年旗舰产品-魅蓝E2终于亮相。这次的发布会可谓是亮点多多,实力歌手张碧晨为发布会打响头炮,而主角魅蓝E2的外观和配置都有着不俗的实力,超乎网友们的预期。 在发布会上,李楠重点宣布一个爆炸性的重磅消息,魅蓝E2将会与派拉蒙携手推出魅蓝E2变形金刚的定制版,并会随《变形金刚5》的上映一同上市,大致时间就在5月末。既然魅蓝E2与《变形金刚》合作,就有微博大V猜测在《变5》中魅蓝E2会”无意”露出嘛? 其实在《变形金刚3》中,就出现华人演员在喝伊利牛奶的镜头;在《变4》中也出现了剑南春的身影,所以所魅蓝E2出现在《变5》中的...

Yesterday afternoon, the spirit's blue brand's flagship product - 2017 spirit's blue E2 finally appeared. This conference is many highlights, strength singer Zhang Bichen for conference with cannons, and lead the appearance of the spirit's blue E2 and configuration has a good strength, is beyond the expectations of netizens. & have spent & have spent In the conference, misia key announced an explosive bomb, spirit's blue E2 will hand in hand with Paramount launch a custom version of spirit's blue E2 transformers, and will be released along with the "transformers" five listed together, roughly the time is at the end of may. Since spirit's blue E2 in collaboration with the transformers have microblogging V speculation spirit's blue in the variable 5 E2 will "accidentally" show? In "transformers 3", is actually a Chinese actor in yili milk lens; In turn 4 have appeared in the sword, so the spirit's blue E2 appears in the "get 5"...