新关注 > 信息聚合 > 回顾2017 知乎上有哪些神点评和神预测?

回顾2017 知乎上有哪些神点评和神预测?

Review 2017 zhihu on what god reviews and forecast?

2018-01-03 15:05:39来源: DoNews


Today, on zhihu has become the "the first village hall" of the Internet in China. As zhihu foreign once said "zhihu in discussion, in the event of a", on the one hand, on zhihu reflection from different angles that affect the events of the world, let you see a colorful world of the stage; On the other hand, it reflects the different people of different viewpoints to the world, including the analysis of the "great spirit" penetrated and fan of precise "forecast", to the world of different people, the cognition of self, and then weave a more interesting world multiple forms. Zhihu recently issued a "my zhihu 2017 annual summary, inventory 2017 zhihu hot topic. Then, in 2017, what are the "hot spots" on zhihu list? For the 2017 event, what on zhihu sobering story? Do you know so much! "The American tax reform" can be said to be one of the deepest influence on current international events, June this year...

标签: 知乎