新关注 > 信息聚合 > 这些声音有毒 陌陌十大电台播主让你上瘾

这些声音有毒 陌陌十大电台播主让你上瘾

The sound of poisonous 10 station play Momo Lord let you become addicted

2017-08-30 00:00:00来源: 人民网

自从泛社交泛娱乐平台陌陌推出最新版本增加电台功能以来,给了无数音声具有特色的播主一个完全展示自我的机会。听了他们的声音,你会情不自禁的上瘾,会发出“这声音有毒”的感慨。下面,小编就来盘点一下在陌陌中十大具有特色声音的电台播主。 一:董小姐(348073561)—磁性温暖女声 董小姐应该是小编听过的电台主播里,声音最磁,最具有感染力的,那字正腔圆的语调可谓是自成一派,董小姐本身并不是专业播音主持出身,但她却很完美的诠释了专业播音电台范,有一种空灵的感觉在里面 二:红乱(30856504)—睿智深析情感畅谈音乐 小编看过好几次她直播觉得她是一个理智和感性看似矛盾,实则完美交融的主播,...

Since the general social generalized entertainment platform Momo launched the latest version increase since radio function, to the countless sounds characteristic main a chance to show themselves completely. Has heard the voice of them that you cannot help but be addictive, "the voice of toxic" sound. Below, small make up take stock in Momo ten characteristic sound station play of the Lord. A: miss dong (348073561) - magnetic warm girl Miss dong should be small make up listened to the radio in the host, the magnetic voice, one of the most infectious, the clear pronunciation and mellow voice tone is sui generis, miss dong itself is not the professional background of broadcasting and hosting, but she is a perfect interpretation of professional broadcast radio fan, have a sense of emptiness inside 2: red mess (30856504) - wise analyze emotional talk music Small make up seen live several times she think she is a reason and sensibility contradiction, but it is a perfect blend of the host,...