新关注 > 信息聚合 > 功夫MOBA降临 《九阳神功》手游4月8日震撼开测

功夫MOBA降临 《九阳神功》手游4月8日震撼开测

Kung Fu MOBA falls "nine mans power" Mobile Games in April 8th shocked the open test

2015-04-01 11:38:51来源: 一游网


Global Battle Kung Fu competitive Mobile Games "nine mans power" today announced in April 8th, will test in snail free store on IOS platform and an Zhuoshuang shock, this marks the 2015 year on behalf of severe MOBA Mobile Games as formal substantive contact with the game player, and exposure from the previous game features and innovative gameplay, MOBA Mobile Games will usher in a new era, also means that the game player can finally experience zero distance 201...

标签: 手游