新关注 > 信息聚合 > 高度还原还是偷懒?提前出生的吃鸡真的好吗?


Height reduction or lazy? Born to eat chicken is really good in advance?

2017-12-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

近日,手游界暗流涌动,吃鸡代表作品《荒野行动》频频曝光数据,在2017网易游戏热爱者年度盛典中,丁磊更是亲自曝光吃鸡数据,这在网易的历史上也是极少见到的,可见吃鸡类手游的火爆程度。吃鸡类游戏的数据不断刷新,甚至频频以《王者荣耀》作为目标,意图冲击手游第一的宝座。这让我们不禁怀疑,吃鸡类游戏的潜力真的有如此之大吗? 门槛或“绊倒”用户 吃鸡的游戏类型,实际上是以FPS类游戏为操作基础,改造的竞技类玩法。作为ACT类型分支的FPS游戏,对新人来讲,拥有一定程度上的操作门槛。在吃鸡大范围地图的对战中,在可生存区域逐渐缩小的情况下,遇到突发情况时,需要合理的掌握下蹲、左右摇摆、开镜压枪、跳跃等操...

Recently, the hand game undercurrent, eat chicken representative works of the wilderness act frequently exposure data, in the annual festival of 2017 netease game enthusiasts, ding is exposure to eat chicken data in person, this also rarely seen in the history of netease, the popularity of eating chicken hand tour. Eat chicken game data constantly refreshed, and even to "king glory" as the target, intention impact mobile game first. We wonder, the potential of chicken games really have so great? Threshold or "stumble" type of game users to eat chicken, is actually FPS games as the foundation of operation, reform of competitive play. As ACT type branch FPS game, for the couple, have a certain extent, the operation of the threshold. Against eating chicken on a wide range of maps, in the case of living area gradually reduces, when you meet the emergency needs a reasonable grasp of squats, swing, d pressure gun, jumping fuck...