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有魔性的魔兽电影 粉丝自制人物表情动图

There magic of Warcraft movie fans homemade expressions of the characters moving map

2015-12-01 12:11:31来源: 多玩游戏

之前在暴雪嘉年华上公布的《魔兽》电影预告片引起了玩家们的热议,而其中也有有才的粉丝自制了电影主要人物的表情动图,下面就让我们一起来看看他们到底有多魔性吧! 动图的正确打开方式: 明年6月电影《魔兽》全球上映时,当联盟玩家遇见部落玩家,最初是联盟玩家发出一张暧昧的邀约图 然后部落...

Before BlizzCon announced the "World of Warcraft" movie trailer caused the hot players, of which there are talented fans made the movie the main characters face moving map, let us take a look at them in the end how magic it! Action figure right Open: June next year when the movie "World of Warcraft" global release, when the players meet Horde Alliance, Alliance players initially issue a solicitation FIG ambiguous and tribal ...

标签: 电影