新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《日本消失之日》评测:美少女拯救第N次毁灭的日本


Japan's disappearance of the day: the United States and the United States to save the destruction of the second N

2015-11-26 20:09:41来源: 任玩堂

《日本消失之日》(V.D.‐VanishmentDay-/バニッシュメント デイ)是 DMM 旗下的美少女战略 RPG 页游的移动版,本作是一个回合制战略手游,这个游戏的舞台设定在未来的 2023 年某月,日本忽然从世界地图上消失并陷入异次元中,玩家将扮演民间军事组织「C.M.S」的指挥...

DMM's beautiful girl strategy RPG tour page the mobile version of the Japan disappeared the day "(v. - VanishmentDay-/ ISDN the,, fierce of, and design and), this is a turn based strategy tour, the stage of the game is set in the future in 2023 a month, Japan suddenly from the world map disappeared and in a different dimension, the player will play folk military organization" C.M.S "command and...