新关注 > 信息聚合 > 想去谷歌,亚马逊,脸书工作?先看看他们的魔鬼面试吧。


Want to go to Google, amazon, facebook work? Look at their devil interview first.

2016-05-17 13:39:21来源: DoNews

这篇文章将告诉你一个秘密,关于谷歌,亚马逊和脸书,如何雇佣到最优秀的员工。或者换个说法,让我们一起来看看,他们是如何吊打面试者的。 作为顶级的科技公司,这几大巨头,每年收到几卡车的简历,是一件很平常的事。因此,他们显然有一套很好的程序去挑选最好的应聘者。但是,这个方法是什么呢?谷歌一下?不,它不会是你在谷歌上搜到的,那些传说中最受欢迎的谷歌面试问题列表。事实上,他们精心设计的招聘程序,超越了基本的查询算法和量子物理学。如果你也想去雇佣世界上最顶级的科技人才,不妨尝试一下,下面这些招聘策略。1.电话面试的正确开始方式:早15分钟,晚15分钟,或者任何时间。为什么?发现那些时刻为这份工作做好准备的...

This article will tell you a secret, about Google, amazon and facebook, how to hire the best staff. Or another way, let's take a look at, how they are easing the bit in the interviewer. As one of the top technology companies, these giants, receives each year a few trucks resume, is a very common thing. As a result, they clearly have a very good program to select the best candidates. But, what is this way? Google? No, it won't be you search on Google, the legend of the most popular Google list of interview questions. In fact, they carefully designed the hiring process, beyond the basic query algorithm and quantum physics. If you also want to hire the world's top science and technology talents, might as well try, the following recruitment strategy. 1. The phone interview of the correct way to start: as early as 15 minutes, 15 minutes late, or at any time. Why is that? Find the time to prepare for the job...

标签: 谷歌