新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《KartKraft》开放内测 将登陆Oculus Rift平台

《KartKraft》开放内测 将登陆Oculus Rift平台

The KartKraft will open beta testing on the Oculus Rift platform

2016-03-23 12:26:42来源: 17173

在2014年初,来自澳洲的Black Delta工作室宣布他们的卡丁车模拟竞速游戏《KartKraft》(原名《Kartsim》)将登陆Oculus Rift平台。随后,该赛车游戏成为Steam平台青睐之光(一个帮助Steam甄选新游戏的社区)的一员,并预计于今年6月2日正式发布。不过,...

In early 2014, Australian Black Delta studio announced their simulation racing kart game "KartKraft" (formerly known as "Kartsim") will be landing Oculus Rift platform. Subsequently, the light of the racing game become the valve's favour (a new game community help Steam selection), and is due to be officially released on June 2 this year. However,...

标签: Oculus