新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曾经的端游IP《黎明之光》改编手游如何做取舍?


Once the end of swimming IP "dawn light adapted mobile game choice how to do?

2016-08-18 16:18:10来源: 和讯网

手游改编快将端游IP一网打尽了绝不是一个夸张的比喻。这些曾经是无数玩家青春回忆的游戏产品到了手游时代,化身为IP,继续在移动平台上吸引、影响着新一代的玩家。 《黎明之光》也是其中之一,这款在2012年上线的动作MMORPG游戏,如今也将推出移动版本,目前已经进入公测阶段。而游戏研发工...

Hand adapted quickly to end IP net swim swim is by no means an exaggeration to metaphor. These were countless memories of youth game products in the era of mobile game, as IP, continue to attract, influence on the mobile platform is a new generation of players. Is one of the light of dawn, the line of action MMORPG game in 2012, now also will launch mobile version, is now into the beta. And the game research and development work...

标签: 手游