新关注 > 信息聚合 > 圆你一个赛车梦!牵手打造精品模拟赛车赛事


Circle you a racing dreams! Hand in hand create super simulation motor racing

2017-12-04 00:00:00来源: 人民网

小时候,我们在红白机上玩着一个叫F-1 RACE赛车游戏,熟悉的BGM现在依然能在耳边环绕起。长大了,我们在街机厅玩着头文字D、在电脑上玩着极品飞车,偶尔打开电视机看到F1呼啸而过、看到勒芒的激情发车。殊不知,一颗赛车的种子早已深深埋下,慢慢发芽。从玩游戏到买车、开车、改车、看赛车……赛车已经慢慢的成为了我们生活的一部分。(更多消息点击此关注我们公众号:靓电竞, ID : dianjingfuture) 如今,图马思特(Thrustmaster)与嗨跑赛车(HiPole.com)牵手联合打造了全新模拟赛车联赛 —— HEC 2018 耐力锦标赛。本赛事由Thrustmaster图马思特冠名...

When I was a child, we play in red and white on a call F - 1 RACE car racing game, familiar with the BGM now can still around in the ear. Grow up, we play in the arcades in initial D, playing on the computer gourmet coaster, occasionally turn on the TV to see F1 roared, see the passion of le mans. Little imagine, a racing seeds were deeply buried, germinating slowly. Change to buy a car, driving, car from playing games, watching the car... The car has gradually become part of our lives. (we pay more attention to the message click the public number: beautiful e-sports, ID: dianjingfuture) now, figure Ma Site (Thrustmaster) associated with hi ran the car (HiPole.com) in hand to build a new simulation - HEC 2018 endurance racing league championships. May cause Thrustmaster figure Ma Site named...