新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【月度之星】8月得主揭晓,这些文章最受读者喜爱


Monthly Star The August winner revealed that these articles are the most popular among readers.

2018-09-12 18:17:58来源: 游戏时光

自月度之星活动在上月开启以来,我们欣喜地看到大家踊跃地在俱乐部发表了大量的内容,很高兴这个活动能激发大家的创作热情。经过统计和评选之后,我们也是时候揭晓首届游戏时光月度之星的获奖者了,这些就是8月中最受欢迎的文章和创作者。月度焦点奖获奖文章:我是老玩家 我是诚信肥宅作者:张腾岳张腾岳老师的这篇文章在统计时获得了638个赞,460次收藏,点赞和收藏数合计超过了1000,这在我们整个网站的历史上都是非常少见的。没想到张腾岳老师不仅对“人性的扭曲,道德的沦丧”有着深入研究,在游戏方面也有敦实的知识储备。虽然身为公众人物,他却用朴实而真挚的文章打动了我们,这600多个赞和微博上的500多个转发,就是对...

Since the launch of the Monthly Star Event last month, we are pleased to see that you have published a lot of content in the club. We are glad that this activity can stimulate your enthusiasm for creativity. After statistics and selection, it's time to unveil the winners of the first Game Time Monthly Star, the most popular articles and creators in August. Monthly Focus Award winning articles: I am an old player and I am the author of honest and fat house: Mr. Zhang Tengyue's article has won 638 praises, 460 collections, and the total number of praises and collections exceeds 1000, which is very rare in the history of our entire website. Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhang Tengyue not only has in-depth research on the distortion of human nature and the loss of morality, but also has a solid knowledge reserve in the field of games. Although he is a public figure, he has touched us with simple and sincere articles, which are more than 600 praises and 500 forwards on micro-blog, that is to say, to uuuuuuuuuuu