新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一份小调查显示,日本玩家对迷你PS并没有那么感冒


A small survey, the Japanese players for mini PS is not so cold

2018-11-26 15:28:00来源: 游戏时光

从任天堂的迷你 FC 开始,业界这两年兴起了一股复古主机迷你化的热潮,而这些“古董”机的大卖似乎让索尼也动了心,前不久正式宣布推出自家的迷你复古主机“Playstation Classic”。然而根据最近日本一个151人参与的“你会购买 PS 迷你吗?”的小型调查结果显示,日本玩家对这台复古主机似乎并没有那么感兴趣。调查结果中大约有63.6%的玩家表示不会购买,一方面因为这个原价大约1万日元左右的复古主机,目前在日亚上已经被炒到了15000日元,接近于两部全价游戏的价格让很多人望而却步;另一个重要原因则是 PS3 是可以兼容 PS1 游戏,基本上只要有...

& have spent & have spent & have spent Starting from nintendo's mini FC, these two years rise industry an upsurge of host mini restoring ancient ways, and these "antique" machine sell seems to make SONY also moved heart, shortly before officially launched its own mini host "Playstation Classic" restoring ancient ways. However, according to a recent one of Japan 151 people "will you buy PS mini?" Small survey, the Japanese players to the host does not seem to be so interested in restoring ancient ways. Results in about 63.6% of the players said it would not buy, on the one hand, because the original price of around 10000 yen host restoring ancient ways, currently in Japan and has been on the up to 15000 yen, close to the price of two full game turned off a lot of people; Another important reason is the PS3 can be compatible with PS1 game, as long as there is basically...

标签: PS 玩家