新关注 > 信息聚合 > 清明祭奠(二)永远留存在魔兽里的玩家


Qingming Memorial (two) will always remain in the world of Warcraft game player to play the game

2015-04-06 16:53:28来源: 多玩游戏

芝源 位置:阿什兰铭文师 对于芝源的了解来源于魔兽世界官方微博和他自己个人的微博——Sakura芝源,一位21岁的小伙子,一位坚强与癌症抗争的艾泽拉斯战友。在《魔兽世界:德拉诺之王》的阿什兰,他化身为名叫芝源的铭文师NPC,与玩家们并肩作战。 去年6月,因为魔兽世界微博和暴雪...

sesame source location: understanding the sources for Zhiyuan Ashland scribes in Moshou Shijie official micro-blog and his own personal micro-blog -- Sakura, source, a 21 year old man, a strong fight against cancer in azeroth. In the "Moshou Shijie: Delano king" of Ashland, he transformed into a named Zhi source inscription division NPC, fought side by side with the game player who. In June last year, because Moshou Shijie micro-blog and blizzard...

标签: 玩家