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有他没我! 大多数家长反对女儿嫁给电竞选手

He's not me! Most parents disapproved of his daughter to marry the eSports player

2015-09-30 04:57:28来源: 新浪

电子竞技最近异常火热,连“国民老公”王思聪都高调宣布要进军电竞行业。而那些技术出色的电竞选手,也在各种比赛中大放异彩,名利双收。更令人艳羡的是,这些电竞选手们的女友或夫人也是一个比一个漂亮! 职业的电竞选手,靠自己的本事吃饭、养活自己,比赛收获奖金之后还能和家人分享。这看起来是很励志...

electronic athletics has recently extremely hot, even the national husband Wang Sicong have announced a high-profile to enter the gaming industry. And those outstanding cybersports players, also shine in all competitions, gain both fame and wealth. More amazing is that, their power running hand is also a girlfriend or wife than a beautiful! Occupation eSports players, rely on their ability to eat, feed themselves, after the game can harvest bonus and share family. This looks like a very inspirational...

标签: 电竞