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天天象棋287关怎么过 三国演义诸葛借风动态图

287 how did shut chess every day The romance of The Three Kingdoms zhuge wind dynamic figure

2016-02-15 18:01:33来源: 4399

Remilia为大家带来新版天天象棋三国演义第287关诸葛借风动态图攻略。本关杀法提示:炮将军逼象上三路,平车叫将,解将和伏杀。那么第287关要如何通关呢?来看看Remilia是怎么过的吧! 感谢天天象棋玩家交流群“小公仔”提供过关棋谱

Remilia every day to bring us the new chess three kingdoms 287 various ge wind dynamic figure strategy. General level kill method tip: cannon force like, on the road, flat wagon will, will and kill. So close to 287 how to customs clearance? Let's see how do Remilia!!!! Thank chess players everyday communication group of "little doll" provide pass chip