新关注 > 信息聚合 > 手机圈的魂斗罗!360奇酷手机邀请函主打“简单快..


Mobile phone ring contra! On October 20, flagship simple fast..

2015-08-20 13:48:59来源: 科技讯

8月20日,有媒体记者陆续收到了360奇酷手机8月26日发布会的邀请函。“把生命浪费在美好的事物上”一个扁平的盒子上淡淡地印着这样一行字。当你在猜测会不会收到一本诗集的时候,却发现里面藏着一个任天堂红白机游戏手柄,小伙伴们一起玩游戏那种简单快乐的美好时光,令人怀旧。 邀请函以“把生命...

8 month 360 our phone invitation, media reporter continues to receive the invitation of 360 our phone conference on August 26. "To waste life on a good thing" a flat box, and a touch of words. When you guess will not receive a Book of poems, but found that hidden inside a Nintendo NES game handle, small partners together to play games that the simple pleasures of the good times, nostalgic. Invitation to "put the life...