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Shanghai beauty studio released 13 new plan

2017-06-01 00:00:00来源: 人民网

东方网6月1日消息:据《劳动报》消息,今年是上海美术电影制片厂成立六十周年,曾给无数青少年留下美好回忆的美影厂在成立六十周年之际将再度出发,公布了十三部新片的创作计划,包括三维、二维、水墨画、木偶动画等多个种类。而《葫芦兄弟》《天书奇谭》等经典作品则将会进行真人电影版的拍摄。 建厂六十周年之际,上海美影厂开始了新的尝试与创作,如推出三分钟的“泡面番”、翻拍真人版动画等,同时以延伸产业链、推广IP形象、进行IP授权等方式拓展动画领域,以期实现持续长效的品牌辐射效应。 劳动报记者了解到,这次美影厂邀请到了江志强和章子怡分别担任《葫芦兄弟》和《天书奇谭》的真人电影版监制工作。这两部电影目前都已...

News on June 1 news: according to the labor report, this year is the 60th anniversary of the Shanghai animation film studio, was left countless teenagers good memories of the beautiful shadow factory will again in the 60th anniversary of the start, announced the creation of the 13 new project, including 3 d and 2 d, ink painting, puppet animation, and many other species. And "gourd brothers", "gobbledygook and tan" and other classic live-action movie version of the film will be. Build 60 anniversary of the Shanghai beauty studio started a new attempt and creation, such as three minutes of "instant noodles", remake live-action animation, etc., at the same time to extend the industrial chain, promote IP image, to develop animation fields such as IP license, in order to achieve sustained long-term brand radiation effect. Labor report the reporter understands, this beauty studio invited to bill and zhang ziyi respectively as "gourd brothers" and "gobbledygook, tan" a live-action movie version of the supervision work. The two movies are currently...