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《战争黎明》末日曙光 坐骑萌宠时装革新

Tiantuo games alone issued on behalf of a world's first 3D TPS webpage game is the dawn of war end dawn Mount Meng Chong fashion innovation

2015-07-09 16:11:13来源: 07073游戏网

《战争黎明》是天拓游戏独代发行的一款全球首创的TPS 3D网页游戏,游戏一经推出就受到广大射击与RPG爱好者的一致青睐。多元的玩法是它的特点之一,而我们在游戏中最在乎的坐骑,仆从和时装,最近迎来了一场重大革新!末日的曙光全新来临,让你一次感受新世界的精彩! 末世浩劫降临,战出下一个黎...

"war dawn, the game has been launched by the vast number of shooting and RPG enthusiasts alike. Diverse gameplay is one of its characteristics, and we in the game most care about mount, servants and fashion, recently ushered in the a major innovation! End of the dawn of the new coming, let you a feeling of the new world wonderful! Cloverfield fell, the battle of the next li...