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王者风暴战斗方式详解 如何战斗

King fighting the storm Xiangjie how to fight

2015-08-27 21:36:35来源: 4399

游戏副本分为若干个小关卡,而最后关卡则是由副本BOSS来坐镇。玩家通关本轮关卡就能获得进入下一轮关卡的机会。而只有完成普通副本后,玩家才可以解锁经验值更丰富、奖励更多、掉落物品越好的精英副本。本篇小编就为大家介绍一下王者风暴的副本战斗! 玩家在进入战斗前,即可以发现《王者风暴》中的卡牌...

copy of the game is divided into several levels, and final checkpoint is sits by a copy of the boss. Players will be able to get into the next round of the level of the opportunity to enter the next level. And only the completion of a copy of the ordinary, the player can unlock experience values of the rich reward, more, drop items better copies of the elite. This small series will be introduced to the king of the storm of the copy of the battle, players before entering the battle, that can be found in the "storm" in the card...