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大话英雄会 新大话2跨服争霸赛将打响

Big hero will boast new 2 cross clothing to strive for hegemony the match will be started

2015-09-06 23:15:59来源: 新浪

大话英雄会,一战见真章,《新大话西游2》2015跨服争霸赛即将打响,荣誉之战一触即发!闯荡大话江湖,总有一群人陪伴着你,其中自然少不了你的帮派兄弟。在你需要帮派之时,帮派为你挺身而出,如今帮派需要你,你岂能不战?这是一个属于所有大话玩家的大舞台,高手争锋,群英荟萃,谁将问鼎? 全民参...

big hero, a war see chapter, the new Westward Journey 2 "2015 cross clothing to strive for hegemony the match is going to start shooting, honor war imminent! Make big rivers and lakes, there is always a group of people to accompany you, the natural and ultimately your gang brothers. When you need the gang, Gang Gang as you step forward bravely, now you need, you can't fight? This is a big game player belongs to all the big stage, master and commander, Qunying, who will win? Mass participation...