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Preview of the new expansion of "blue month legend" the original authorized public beta tomorrow

2016-07-06 11:38:11来源: 07073游戏网

正版授权页游XY游戏《蓝月传奇》明日极致公测。最新资料片“符文系统”、“玛法秘境”已准备就绪。那个地处玛法深处的神秘荒野,四十位新晋Boss正携带大量极品符文,正等待着勇士们前来挑战。 集符文 激活极品套装 拥有正版授权的XY游戏《蓝月传奇》,在公测新版本中特别添加符文系统,让玩...

The original authorization page swim XY game "blue month legend" acme demo tomorrow. The latest expansion "rune system", "marfa shakotan coast" is ready. The mysterious wilderness, is located in the deep marfa 40 new Boss is taking lots of gourmet rune, to challenge is waiting for the warriors. Set the rune activation acura suit With the original authorization XY "blue month legend" game, specially added the rune system in the new demo version, let play...