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新服送好礼 《刀塔传奇》新服礼包派送

The new service to send gifts "turret legend" new service package delivery

2015-05-12 03:04:37来源: 天极网

你还在为自己的《刀塔传奇》的排名懊恼吗?还在为自己没有好的英雄沮丧嘛,那么赶紧就来新服吧。口袋游戏联合《刀塔传奇》官方为广大新服玩家带来新的福利。 名称:《刀塔传奇》新服礼包 礼包内容:金币10000;船长灵魂石2;蓝胖灵魂石2;潮汐灵魂石2; 礼包使用期限:2015.5.20...

you still own "turret legend" ranking upset? Still no good for their hero dejected, then rushed to the new service. Pocket game "joint turret legend" official for the majority of the new service game player to bring new benefits. Name: "turret legend" the new service packs package contents: 10000 gold coins; captain soul stone 2; fat blue soul soul stone stone 2; tidal period of use: 2015.5.20 2 packs...