新关注 > 信息聚合 > 疾风之刃炼金工房初级怎么让boss招小怪


Wind blade alchemy workshop primary how to make boss move Xiaoguai

2015-02-14 18:48:36来源: 电玩巴士

问:疾风之刃炼金工房初级怎么让boss招小怪 答: 不要让boss招 打到哥布林的时候 有个蓝色的怪叫巡查哥布林 他会吹号一次招三个,你离远他就追你,离他近 你杀一个他召唤一个 杀完记得...

asked: wind blade alchemy workshop primary how to make boss move Xiaoguai reply: don't let boss recruit hit brother brin has a blue call patrol brother brin he'll sounded a recruit three, you away he after you, leave him near you kill a he summons a kill finished remember...