新关注 > 信息聚合 > 超级小跟班 9377《神界传奇》宠物萌萌哒

超级小跟班 9377《神界传奇》宠物萌萌哒

Super small myrmidon 9377 "celestial legend" pet Meng Da

2015-05-22 14:01:59来源: 07073游戏网

9377《神界传奇》测试服已经开启好一阵了,精良的游戏制作引来大批玩家的入驻,也让来自五湖四海的小伙伴在这里相识相知!那么朋友有了,再来只萌萌的小宠物岂不更加快哉!要知道神界传奇里的宠物可是非同一般的哟!一起来看看9377《神界传奇》超级萌萌哒宠物们吧! 在9377《神界传奇》里目前...

9377 "celestial legend" test service has opened a good, excellent making Games attracted a large number of players settled, let small partners from all corners of the globe in here acquaintance! So friend, again only Meng small pet, wouldn't it be more quick Zai! To know celestial legend pet but not with general Yo! Come see 9377 the celestial legend "super Meng Da pets! In the 9377 the celestial legend" at present.