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经典再续 XY游戏开年巨作《代号-月》来袭

Classic renew XY games open in epic "code - month"

2016-02-19 14:32:37来源: 新浪

一年之计在于春,新年伊始,各行各业都在筹备着2016年度大计。对于XY游戏来说,年度重头产品《代号-月》历经数月潜心研发,终于在这个充满希望的春天进入了冲刺阶段,即将与玩家见面。 《代号-月》被XY游戏给予了厚望,除了在定名方面的谨慎,玩法、角色也在细节方面不断完善调整。游戏上线前,...

At the beginning of spring, New Year, all walks of life are in preparation for the year 2016. For XY game, annual start product the code - month after months of concentrated research and development, in the spring of hope this is finally entered the sprint phase, will meet with the player. "Code - month" was a wishing well, filled with XY game in addition to the name of cautious, game, role also constantly improve adjustment in detail. Before the launch,...

标签: 游戏