新关注 > 信息聚合 > 专访第一棋牌创始人陈总:追逐梦想的创业青年


Chen general, founder of the first chess card: chasing the dream Young Entrepreneurs

2017-09-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

从2017年发展趋势来看,棋牌市场的火热程度依然势不可挡,尤其是在移动端,因简单有趣的玩法、便捷的操作得到了玩家深度的喜爱。都说棋牌市场是个暴利行业,这是真的吗?其实,做游戏赚钱非常难,游戏做好了很赚钱,况且中国赚钱的游戏公司也就那百十来个,腾讯和网易占了75%,大部分都在生死线上挣扎。然而,从去年的房卡棋牌迅速蹿红之后,棋牌游戏开始大放光彩,惊人的盈利能力也吸引了众多投资者前赴后继。那么在热潮之下的棋牌游戏到底是怎么赚钱的呢?今天有幸能够采访第一棋牌(www.dyqp.com)创始人陈旭先生,为什么从当初的棋牌开发运营到后面运营第一棋牌独立的第三方平台呢? 首先来简单介绍下第一棋牌门...

Judging from the trend of development in 2017, the hot degree of chess and card market is still irresistible, especially in mobile terminals, because players are deeply loved by simple and interesting play and convenient operation. All said the chess and card market is a profiteering industry, is this true? In fact, the game is very difficult to make money, the game made a lot of money, and Chinese money game company is that a hundred, Tencent and NetEase accounted for 75%, most of the struggling. However, since last year the real chess card quickly jump red, chess game began to shine, amazing profitability also attracted many investors one after another. So how do the chess games make money in the upsurge? Today, we have the honor to interview Mr. Chen Xu, the founder of the first chess card (www.dyqp.com). Why did we develop from the original chess card to the first third independent chess player platform after operation? First of all, to introduce the first chess and card door.