新关注 > 信息聚合 > 囊括各种类型 秋冬季15款测试新游盘点

囊括各种类型 秋冬季15款测试新游盘点

Include all types of autumn winter 15 models testing the new inventory Sina

2015-10-28 15:44:31来源: 新浪

在今年的秋冬季,有不少的全新端游作品将展开新一轮的测试。今日小编为各位玩家收集了15款全新端游作品的测试时间和更新内容,下面就一起来了解一下吧。 注:此前,每提到新游开测,总是有玩家抱怨激活码难抢。所以在本次的新游推荐中,我们将以激活码发放量来为抢码难易度划分区间,如,一万以下为困难...

in this year's autumn and winter, there are a lot of new end tour works will start a new round of testing. Today, a small series for each player to collect 15 new end of the work of the test time and update the content, the following together to understand. Note: previously, each mentioned new tour opening test, there is always a game player complaining difficult to grab the activation code. So in the new recommendation, we will to activate the code issued to grab the code difficult difficulty divided interval, such as less than 10000 difficult...