新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中老年人的微信江湖:爸妈的斗地主聊天群可能比你的赚钱多了


The elderly of micro letter: mom and dad fight the landlord chat group may be much more money than you

2017-10-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

老爸今年56岁,和老妈两个人提前退了休,双双过起饲花弄草的逍遥日子。他说,要把江湖留给年轻人。 没过多久,老妈响应时代号召,加入了小区的“夕阳红舞蹈队”,每天晚上7点,准时出现在小广场上震天响的音乐里。 老爸也不甘示弱,跟着一些老哥们钓钓鱼。晚饭后,在公园门口的河边,小马扎一字排开。钓鱼发烧友们穿着双层口袋帆布马甲,坐进幽蓝的夜光灯里,盯着水里的浮漂,能待一晚上。 他们自称是“近黄昏垂钓团”,因为如果白天去钓,指不定还要被巡逻的保安赶。 幸好老爸还有个爱好,够他消磨掉一整天的时间。 天气好的时候,小区里会支起棋牌桌。这边是大爷们的楚汉争霸,象马車炮走得啪啪响;那边是老爸带领的牌桌革...

Dad 56 years old, and mother both retired in advance, both have the easy days of feeding flowers make grass too. He said, to leave the river's lake to young people. Before long, the response time mom call, to join the community of "sunset dancing group", every day at 7 o 'clock in the evening, on time on the small square in the music blaring. Dad is not to be outdone, follow some old man fishing. After dinner, in the river in front of the park, successive camp chair. Fishing enthusiasts wearing canvas ma3 jia3, double pockets into deep and remote blue night-light, stared at the floating in the water, can stay for a night. They claim to be "nearly sunset fishing group", because if the day to go fishing, quite possibly be patrolling security. Fortunately, my dad has a hobby, enough he lingered away the whole day. The weather is good, neighborhood will set up a chess table. Here is the big ye chu supremacy, as the carriage applauded gun go ring; There's dad tables lead leather...