新关注 > 信息聚合 > 何惧棒子拐走女神《魔域》花魁赛现整车玫瑰


Does not fear the goddess of Korean abducted "demon" Huakui game now vehicle rose

2015-08-07 15:32:09来源: 新浪

还在吐槽为什么中国女神一个又一个排队被棒子拐走?还在神伤国民好白菜被欧巴拱了?《魔域》今日宣布女神时代开启,花魁赛娇媚登场,酷炫的玫瑰花车、溢彩流光的女神外套、堆砌如山的实物奖励。高颜值超模争奇斗艳,《魔域》千万女玩家海选刘女神接班人,土豪豪掷百万玫瑰只为女神回心转意,快来围观! 女...

still groove why Chinese Goddess a queue was the stick abducted? The national good cabbage is still Shenshang Obama arch? "Demon" today announced the goddess open era, flirtatious Huakui game debut, cool rose, Ambilight goddess coat, piled up a mountain of material reward. Gao Yan value supermodel contests, "demon" tens of millions of female players audition Liu goddess successor, tyrant Hao throw millions rose only for the goddess back from the brink, fast to onlookers! Female...