新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016网智会五棋一牌项目开赛网络海选火热进行中


2016 nets will think five chess card project kick-off network audition going on

2017-01-19 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2016年全国网络智力运动会(下称“网智会”)已于2016年7月底正式启动,五棋一牌项目也于2016年11月17日面向全国爱好者正式开赛。至此,网智会本赛季围棋、象棋、国际象棋、五子棋、国际跳棋、桥牌、二打一(斗地主)7大比赛项目全面开战,线上海选赛事正火热进行中。 这其中,二打一(斗地主)赛事因率先开赛、进展领先,其线下城市巡回赛已走过十座城市并顺利收官,120名选手脱颖而出晋级总决赛,余下的180名总决赛参赛选手将从俱乐部联赛中产生,二打一(斗地主)赛事已进入白炽化激烈状态。 全国网络智力运动会是目前棋牌运动唯一的网络技术等级认证赛事平台 2016网智会由国家体育总局棋牌运动管...

In 2016 the national intelligence network games (hereinafter referred to as "network intellectual") has been launched in 2016 at the end of July, a five chess card project is on November 17, 2016, facing the whole country fans officially kick off. At this point, the net intelligence can go this season, chess, chess, gobang, draughts, bridge, two dozen one (dou landlord) seven games in full scale operation online audition event is going on. Among them, two dozen one (dou landlord) event, take the lead in opening, progress leading its offline city tour has past ten cities and smooth finish, 120 players stand out to qualify the NBA finals, the rest of the 180 NBA finals contestant would come from the club in the league, two dozen one (dou landlord) state of intense competition has entered the incandescent. The national intelligence network games is the only network technology now chess sports level certification events by the state general administration of sports platform 2016 nets wisdom chess sports tube...